A1 English test preparation course for Spouse Visa

1 – Background to the Exam

  • Grade 2 at A1 on the CEFR and ESOL Entry level 1 is approved by the Home Office for Spouse/Partner (FLR – M) and Parents of Dependants in the UK (FLR O) visa applications

 A1 Speaking & Listening Exam Information

There are 3 stages to the exam:

1.      Greetings

The examiner will greet you and you must greet them back e.g. “hello, how are you?”

2.      Conversation

You must answer the examiner’s questions with short answers and with gestures and actions such as moving around the room or pointing to objects the examiner has brought with them. These objects could include everyday objects and pictures. The examiner may also ask you to point to objects in the exam room such as the door, window, table and chair. You must be able to give simple descriptions of people and objects using basic phrases and sentences.

You must ask the examiner at least one question “where do you live?” “what do you like to do in your free time?”

 3.      End of conversation

The examiner ends the conversation by thanking you and saying “goodbye”. You must say “goodbye” back to the examiner.


You can watch two videos of the exam by clicking here

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